Getting the Official Dataset of Covid and analysing it to get data and facts out of the data.
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I am a student currently in my Pre Final Year of B-Tech in CSE from SRM University
I like to work more on Machine Learning Models and playing around with data helps me a lot..
I also have started learning Guitar and alongside I watch movies and listen to songs to get along with time.
Data Science + Data Analytics: Tableau + ML(Algorithms) Download Resume
Getting the Official Dataset of Covid and analysing it to get data and facts out of the data.
Read MoreThe dataset having both Rock and Mine details for about 60 columns is tested and trained to predict if the given values are of a rock or a mine.
Read MoreA chatbot trained and tested using Covid 19 details and a preferred message is sent depending on the chats.
Read MoreA chat-bot will interact and analyse the current condition of the user through an interactive question and answer session. This will then generate an output based on the collected data and provide self-help techniques, home remedies and appropriate doctor's consultation.
Read MorePredicting the car resale price depending on different factors like distance travelled,brand etc.
Read MoreUsing movie Api a basic app is designed using React JS the recomended Movies are shown.
Read MoreA basic fullstack project using react and connectinh it to firebase to store chats.
Github LinkA basic Voice automated assistant like alexa
2: pyttsx3
3: pywhatkit
4: datetime
5: wikipedia
6: pyjokes
7:PyAudio(here please install pipwin first otherwise you might face errors)
Using datasets from different crime rich states I predict where and why does the crime take place .
Github Link